Week 4 Yard Sale Aprons Stashbuster

Yard sale apron

When we did my grandmother’s estate sale in Ohio many years ago, we put a canvas nail apron on each of the available aunts and cousins. The aprons had small bills and some change in the pockets so everyone could take money and make change. Then we ALL interacted with people and straightened up behind them……

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Week 3 Journal Cover Scrapbuster

Scrapbuster Journal Cover - Front

Week 3 project finished. It’s a useful item, and apart from the fusible interfacing, made entirely from scrap pieces! The two main fabrics were what remained of two fat quarters from another long ago project, and I used just about every usable bit. The poly/cotton batiste interior lining (black, not shown) was too small even…

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Week 2 Sport Top Stashbuster

Sport top stashbuster

It’s difficult to find inexpensive AA cup bras, so I gave up a long time ago. This sport-bra style of support is what I wear almost exclusively.  I can usually find ones that fit in the kids section at WM for under $8. But last month I found a 2-yard lycra-ish remnant for $2.00. I…

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Week 1 Comfy Pants Stashbuster

Stashbuster comfy pants

Successfully completing these comfy pants this week is what officially made up my mind to commit to a sewing challenge! Last year, I found a pair of flared-leg leggings at Denton Thrift that I absolutely LOVE. I wanted another pair, and I may eventually make a pattern from that pair, but I had never in…

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Sewing challenge

My lovely sewing machine

I kind of started this challenge without realizing it. It more or less flowed out of last year’s challenge (No New Clothes). Background: I’ve sewn a lot of fabulous things over the years. Costumes, prom dresses, gala attire, spiffy outfits for author events. Lots and lots of gifty-type stuff. Hair ties, bow ties, neckties, purses,…

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No new clothes

So my friend Becca Bilz Davis participates in an every-other-year challenge with her siblings: They can’t buy brand new stuff, particularly clothes. Thrifting is allowed, but purchasing brand new is verboten. She explained that they want to consciously get off the consumerism train, and not be part of the flow of brand new ‘stuff.’ She…

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A year of feeling amazing

Feeling Amazing

I’ve had this post sitting in draft, debating whether or not to put it out there. It’s not JUST a weight-loss journey. I feel truly amazing. However, there were no drink mixes, no pills, no supplements, no boutique diets or meal plans, no gimmicks involved–which is why I debated posting. People seem to like gimmicks.…

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Using less in 2020

Using Less

I’m not sure what finally clicked in my brain to make me hyper-conscious of all the single-use stuff I toss into the trash can without another thought. I mean, I’d been environmentally conscious, but only insofar as it didn’t interfere too much with convenience. But recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about human impact on…

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40-minute swiffer cover

40-minute Swiffer Cover

I’m not a big fan of ‘disposable’ stuff and try to use environmentally responsible products whenever possible. Once upon a time, I crocheted a Swiffer cover from someone else’s pattern, and it was fine. It worked well enough, but I wasn’t enamored enough to make another– mostly because it required several steps to construct, and…

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Drop Red Bed


We had a bit of a cold snap, and I am only slightly ashamed to say that we are wimps and didn’t want to be working outside this past weekend. Although there are any number of projects that need to be accomplished, like finessing the driveway gravel we had delivered on Thursday, fixing a water…

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